Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face the coming weeks together?
For Discussion
In our fourth part of the sermon series “Art of Neighboring”, Pastor Dwight has challenged us to be a reflection of the Light of God. Like the moon reflects the sun’s light, Jesus is the light of the world and we are to reflect his love and care for others.
Let me use another analogy. Car lights grow dim when the back part, the reflectors, become mirky or dirty. They need to be cleaned or polished before the light can shine again with full power.
As Christians, we need to make sure that Jesus’ light can be reflected clearly. In order to do so, here are a few tools to clean and polish our reflectors:
- Try to define the “darkness” in your neighborhood. Is there poverty that bears down on a neighbor? Is it a loss of a job, a future, or even a loved one? Is it the fear of the unknown? Is it hurt and strife? Or is it loneliness? What is it that bothers your neighbor?
- How can you direct or reflect God’s light into this darkness? Is an encouraging word just what that neighbor needs? Is it a bag of groceries? Is it a listening ear? Is it mediation? Or is it a genuine friend, someone to call on when life gets tough?
I think, if Jesus lived in our neighborhood we would tend to invite ourselves into his house as often as we can. But we might be surprised to find that often times he would not even be at home. He would be visiting with his neighbors.
- Now, if Jesus really lived in your neighborhood, how do you think he would respond to a specific need of a neighbor? A need from that one neighbor you are now thinking about?
Remember the WWJD bracelets? If you don’t, look up “WWJD bracelet”. Let us approach neighboring with the mindset of Jesus, wanting to bring light into a dark world. Let’s not just sing, but live:
“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
…Let it shine, let it shine let it shine.”