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For Discussion
In our new series “My Anchor is …” Pastor Corby shares part of his story. The time he had to refill his spiritual tank. The time he had to refocus and re-anchor himself in God.
You might not be involved in ministry like Pastor Corby is. And you might not be as busy as King David was. But we all might come to that point where we need to check our spiritual fuel level. Are we running on empty? Do we want to throw in the towel? Are we tired out? Are we weary of what the next thing might be that will wear us down?
There are two practical things that Corby did, that you and I can also do. Two things that might be very necessary to do for you right now:
- Step away for some time
It does not have to be for a long time. Two nights was enough for Pastor Corby. You might need three or even a whole week. The key is to really step out of your daily routine. Wind down and refocus on God. God is the anchor of life. Anything else falls short. Maybe a quiet evening without the distraction of social media, movies, and all the other distractions is enough for you. Maybe you need a full weekend. The important part is to refocus on God.
- Create some habits to focus more on God
It is easy to miss this, but did you hear Pastor Corby say that he had to change some things afterward? You could start your morning with a cup of coffee and a 15-20 minute long Bible reading time before you do anything else. Maybe it is a self check-in with your journal, to write down how your day went. Write as if you were talking to God, not your journal. Maybe you need to go out into the woods and talk to God out loud. Tell him every day what bothers you and what excites you. Whatever it is, make it a point to create new habits, habits that help you refocus on God each and every day.
It doesn’t matter if you take these two steps as an individual, a family getaway, or take a home group session to think about them. I want to encourage you to slow down, take inventory, and refocus on God. In a time where it seems that the world has lost its anchor point is it even more important that we recall that it is God who holds everything together.
May God show himself in your life as the anchor point.
Blessings to you,