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Discussion Prompts
We are in a New Year, with new opportunities. New resolutions, and probably ready to put 2020 behind us. Who could have thought that 2020 would be like it was. But what will 2021 bring? Will we have to deal with similar things? Adjust and re-adjust over and over again?
As strange as it sounds, once the early church received the Holy Spirit, they did not focus on the past difficulties, but lived in future focused community. Just like Jesus had prayed: “Father, let them all be one, just as you and I are one.” (John 17:21) They did just that. There were one. The disciples, and all the new believers, where one biblical community. They shared community. The shared life. They shared possessions. Luke tell us that “All believers were together and had everything in common.” (Acts 2:44)
We start the New Year starts with a new sermon series that focuses on “Biblical Community”. In the next couple weeks Pastor Bryce will lead us through five building blocks of community:
- Connection – “All the believers were together and had everything in common.” (Acts 2:44)
- Care – “They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” (v.45)
- Common Challenge – “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple.” (v.46)
- Clarity – “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts” (v.46)
- Celebrate – “praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” (v.47)
- Who is one person that you could connect with in a more meaningful way? Write down the name of that person and pray for that person – every day, for the entire year. Then make it a point to connect with that person.
- What has held you back from participating in making connections? Make it point to connect especially with one person that does not know Christ yet, and be Christ to him/her.
- How will you make deeper connections with a Christian fellow, one that you don’t know yet? Get out of your comfort zone and invite a fellow believer into your circle.
I know that COVID-19 still lingers in the air. But I want to encourage you to still make these meaningful connections. Be creative. Pick up the phone. Write a letter. Or connect through social media. Meet in small groups. But, whatever means you use, make it meaningful.
Little advertisement here: In seasons where it is good to keep gatherings small, our CONNECT groups are the ideal way to do just that. Some groups, like the Interest Groups and Home Groups, have been going on for quite a while now, but we are also launching new Sunday School classes, Bible studies, as well as new small groups. Click on this link for more information on our CONNECT groups.
May God bless you as you connect with Him and with other people.
Happy New Year!
Pastor Daniel

Through the Bible in one Year
Join us in reading through the entire Bible in one year. Each day of this plan guides you through passages from both the Old and New Testaments, allowing you to see connections between the history of our faith, and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. Readings average four chapters in length, so it is posible to do. When you use the YouVersion Bible App, you can even have the app read the Bible text to you – very useful when you are in the car or otherwise occupied with your hand.
All you need to do is click the link to the Bible Plan, which should lead you straight to the Bible app. Your two options are now (1) to read the plan on your own, one day at the time. Or (2) you can make it more fun and rewarding, by sharing the plan with one or more friends, and then even “Talk about it”.