Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face this season together?
For Discussion
How do you like the sentence that Pastor Bryce used to start today’s sermon:
“The right perspective of the Father helps us orient Fatherhood!”
Looking at the journey the apostle Peter had to take, it is comforting that we don’t have to have everything figured out right from the beginning, nor do we have to be perfect. So what is it that keeps us on track for Godly fatherhood? Pastor Bryce mentions three things:
- A roadmap that is oriented correctly
It is key that our roadmap is oriented towards our heavenly father. As fathers and mothers, we need to live out of that precious relationship with our heavenly Father.
- A Destination called Intimacy
Have you ever seen someone act “just like his dad”, or “just like her mom”? That’s what real close relationship (intimacy) can produce. One phrase that we can teach our kids is “You should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1)
- Mistakes are a great way to get to know the road map
It is a noble thing to strive for excellence, but failure is just waiting around the corner. Here it is comforting to know that mistakes are opportunities to teach a lesson. By God’s grace, our kids will learn that it is not about perfection, but about relationship.
Pastor Bryce’s last three questions are a great way to get us moving in the direction. A direction that nurtures great fatherhood. Ask yourself:
- What will I do this week to develop a relationship with my heavenly Father? Pray: “Help me orient my road map, Abba!”
- What are the opportunities I have to develop communication with my children today? Pray: “Lord, I want intimacy, not just peace.”
- How will I navigate my past mistakes as helpful and not a hindrance? Pray: “Let me live out of your grace, Father.”
Happy Father’s Day! – Let me rephrase that “Happy Parent’s Day!” It is a combined effort and we need all the help that we can get, right!?!