Gutpela Sindaun (The Good Life)
Andrew, Crystal, Lucas, Ethan, Aaron, and Isaac
Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face the coming weeks together?
For Discussion
Pastor Dustin kicked off our new sermon series “Scattered & Sent” pointing out that the first Christians did church in their homes, working with what they had. In Jerusalem, they gathered in the home of Mary, mother of John Mark, writer of the Gospel of Mark (Acts 12:12). In Philippi they gathered in the home of Lydia, a very successful business women (Acts 16:15).
We are in our homes right now. For many of us, church was more of a place we went to, but that place is closed for now. What if we looked at church with Paul’s and Lydia’s eyes? What if church is a place where people come together to talk about what God is doing?
Here is a challenge:
- What do you have? Where do you live? How can you use your surroundings to be the church? In your family, your neighborhood, or using social media. God sent us to be disciples and make disciples (Mt 28:18-20), but he didn’t give us specifics on how to do that. Be creative in being the church, right where you are.
- The Bible verse that will lead us through this sermon series is from Acts 20:24 where it says “they were telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” What ways can you find this week to tell someone the Good News? Maybe in an over-the-fence-conversation with the neighbor? Commenting on a Facebook post using an encouraging Bible verse? Writing a blog post? Penning a handwritten letter to a friend?
Make it a point this week to tell at least one person about the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. May God bless you as you bless others!