Overcoming Barriers

Overcoming Barriers

Worship through giving.

Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face the coming weeks together?

For Discussion

You know what hit me the most in this sermon? When Pastor Bryce repeatedly mentions what Jesus says to Martha: “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary!” I always ask myself what is that ONE THING. 

Well now it makes sense. The emphasis is on the “many things”. We can get so busy in our life that we sometimes don’t see the important things right in front of us. Do you let life interrupt you to be in the moment? Take time to have that little chat with a friend on the phone or on the street? Take the time to stop and check-in with a co-worker? When you see that the neighbor needs a hand with something, head over and help him? 

  • Here is a question: What do we prioritize in life? Is BEING in the presence of God even on the list? Mary had “chosen the good portion”, Jesus says. How are you making time for God moments in our daily routine? When you take time to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to him, evaluate your priorities, and write them down.

A little later, Pastor Bryce mentioned that Jesus handled time as if it is a resource to be managed, in the same way we manage money. How do you manage your time? The sermon series Art of Neighboring challenges us to make time for real neighboring. 

  • Ask yourself what it would take to be a great neighbor. What are the things you would have to sacrifice to make that a reality? Why would it be worth it? What could change in your life or in your neighborhood if you would implement this one thing?

This time of change right now might be the ideal opportunity to reprioritize. It might be good to look at your life before COVID-19 and the possibilities for afterward. And as you set new prioritize in your life, look at your relationship with God, your family, your neighbors, and your friends. 

I invite you to look at your life with new eyes and challenge you to ask God to guide you in reprioritizing your life. May God lead you in this endeavor. 

Happy neighboring,
