Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face the coming weeks together?
For Discussion
Our sermon series, Scattered and Sent, is coming to an end but the mission is far from over yet. Pastor Dwight’s message reminds us of the mission that Jesus left us with when he left this earth. You see a commander’s last orders are to be followed until the mission is either accomplished or until a different command comes. Jesus’s command was “Go and make disciples!” and it is not over yet.
And it is pretty clear from what Dwight said in the sermon, that this mission is for all of us to follow. God’s question remains: “Whom shall I send? And who will go?”
What is your response to this question? Are you willing to go? Two things that might help you respond with a “Here I am. Send me.”
- Think about your possible mission field. Do you know of someone in your surrounding area that is not a disciple of God yet? Someone who is not a Christian yet? Could it be that you are called to build a relationship with that person, in order to someday be able to share the gospel with him or her?
“Evangelism is building relationships with the goal of one day sharing the gospel with that person.”
- Might God actually be calling you to the mission field? Dwight mentioned some options: in your school, on your job, in adoption, foster care, or in your neighborhood. Maybe it is even inner-city work, Waterstreet Mission, Teen Challenge, or working as a volunteer in a hospital? Or is it even overseas, as a full-time missionary or in mission trips? Let God speak to you today. He IS calling you into the mission field, it’s just the question of where?
And just as a sneak-peak: If you don’t know how to build those relationships that reach out to your neighbors, we are looking at exactly that in the upcoming sermon series. Hope to see you in that series too!