Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face the coming weeks together?
We would love the kids (adults too!) to draw a picture of Palm Sunday (or color the sheet in the activity pack above) while you listen to the service. Jesus riding a donkey, people with palm branches. After the service, it would be awesome to have you post your pictures in the comments or on Facebook and or Instagram so we all can see your work!
For Discussion
One of the repeating themes in Pastor Corby’s message is the transition from “what was” to the “what will be”. He points out that even though people didn’t fully understand everything while the change was happening, even though it hurt and there was loss involved, still there was and is HOPE.
And isn’t it true what he said, that there were always major events in history that brought about change – let it be biblical events or other historic events. But probably the most significant event that brought about change was indeed Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Today is Palm Sunday, and we are celebrating the week that brought the most important historical change for humankind. As you go into the week, think about two things:
- Knowing that we have a HOPE that goes beyond the “when the crisis is over”, we encourage you to ponder on these two Bible Verses (or just pick one if you like). Meditate on them and then write down what type of HOPE these verse actually communicate: Isaiah 9:6-7 / Romans 5:1-5
- As a church we invite you to imagine with us. Think of what MBIC was before the lockdown, and imagine what we could become. How could we become even more of a beacon of HOPE in our community, and through this bring glory to God?
As always, let us know by commenting below or by writing us an email. May God’s peace and HOPE fill your hearts.
May God bless you all!