Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face this season together?
Discussion Prompts
For three weeks in a row now we have heard about this call from God. A man, called for a higher purpose, slowly learning to trust God. As chaplain Jimmy Fannin pointed out in the sermon, Moses was an “ordinary man, called to do extraordinary things.” But not just Moses, Fannin himself learned that an ordinary man can -and will- be used by God, if he is willing to come Face to Face with God.
Now, what does that mean for the ordinary person – You?!?
First of all, it starts with this encounter with God. God steps into your life and nudges you to do something. In some cases, he even points you in a specific direction.
As you are in your group, have everyone share an incident where they felt that nudging from God. That Burning Bush out of the corner of your eye. Did you turn towards that bush? Did it spark your interest? Share your story with the others.
If you are alone at home, contemplating these things, what is it that God has shown you lately. What is stirring up your heart when you hear the words “nudging from God”. Write this thought into your journal, on a paper, or share it even on Facebook.
The second step is to act upon this nudging from God. As we heard from Chaplain Fannin, God’s leading in his life was gradual: from a jail cell to becoming a pastor, to becoming a chaplain, to founding and leading the Lancaster County Chaplains Corps. You don’t have to become a pastor (unless God really is calling you right now). It can be as simple as a step into a volunteer position. Check out the church’s service opportunities. Look for volunteer services in the community. Get involved in local politics. See if you can serve as a volunteer in a nearby hospital. Get involved and be God’s ambassador in your environment. And remember to start small. In God’s timing, HE will lead you to more specific, larger tasks.
A word to the retired folks here. Moses was 80 years old when God called him to lead the Israelites. In God’s Kingdom, comes later, much later. As long as there is breath in you, look for opportunities to serve God.
Blessings to you as you serve God!