Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face this season together?
Discussion Prompts
We are in a new season. No, I am not talking about fall. I am talking about a new sermon season. In the last couple of weeks, we looked at what God did, to deliver the Israelites from slavery, using a man who was molded and shaped into one of the most influential leaders known to history.
Starting today we will be looking at the Israelites and their newfound freedom. One would think that they “lived happily ever after”. But reading their story, we are in for a surprise. For the next 350+ years, God has to intervene and rescue them over and over again. You would almost think that they like to be back in bondage. Almost.
But doesn’t that sound very similar to the life of many Christians – including me. I am set free from the slavery of sin, but somehow I fall back into these old, sinful patterns, over and over again.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. … What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? (Romans 7:15+24)
At the end of the sermon, Pastor Bryce leaves us with three very practical steps. I want to challenge you, either in the group or individually, to take a piece of paper, and write down what action steps you will take regarding these three points.
- Stay a life long learner: What will be the next Christian book you will listen to, or read? What online course could you take, that helps you in your walk with God? What reading plan in the YouVersion Bible app will you start tomorrow? Make it concrete!
- Be set apart: Read Romans 12:2. Summed up I would say, it says: “Are you being influenced, or are you influencing others?” Now answer this: Where will you be a Christian influence today, tomorrow, and the rest of the week?
- Write it down: Tip > Don’t start that journal entry with “Dear Diary”, start it with a catchy thought or phrase about what you just learned about God. Start with something like “Man, that’s quite interesting. I just…”. Finish your journal entry by thanking God or asking him to help you in this particular situation. Oh, and keep it to one page.
Copy the answers to these three action steps now onto the first page of your journal. Or just glue it in. Be sure to re-visit these three action steps frequently.
Hope you have a blesses life living with God,