Worship through giving.
Will you partner with us as we respond to the critical needs of our community as we face this season together?
Discussion Prompts
Manheim BIC’s mission is to “initiate and nurture a growing relationship with God”. For years we have worked under that mission statement, and will do so into the future. But what does “nurture” actually mean? We are convinced that a nurturing environment is one that creates a sense of Connection and Belonging. We want to be a place where people are loved and feel that they belong. Belong to God’s family. Belong to Manheim BIC church. But ultimately, belong to God himself.
Here is a challenge for you:
Since this is our mission and vision, and since you are part of our church, how can you contribute practically to the fulfillment of this mission? How can you help create an environment of love and belonging? Be intentional in your approach and set a SMART goal.
S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, relevant & with a due date (time).
As you have heard in the message today, the strategy we use to pursue these goals is through “Faith Champions”. A Faith Champion is not someone who is perfect and knows it all. No a Faith Champion is a Christian who is willing to train his God given personality and gifts and use them to reach these goals.
Here is another challenge for you: Make it your goal to become a Faith Champion!
Answer these questions:
- What are you passionate about? What puts huge smile on your face when you do it?
- How can your personality help in reaching God’s goals? (www.16personalities.com)
- What are your Spiritual gifts? (https://giftstest.com)
Use the links provided to learn more about yourself. Then look where your gifts and passion could fit into the “Serve Opportunities” of our church. You might also want to look into our class “Discover your P.A.S.S.I.O.N.” which we have developed especially for this purpose. Let me know if you want to learn some more about yourself. ([email protected]).
May God bless you in your journey to becoming a Faith Champion and may HE use you to help us create an environment of love and belonging.