

Group Discussion & Life Challenge

Use these notes as discussion prompts for your group, or in your personal time with God.


Get to know each other. Connect, warm up to each other, fellowship.


Carry each other’s burdens. Share life’s challenges and practice Soul Care. Pray together.


Dive into God’s Word. Use these discussion questions. Learn from each other’s insight. 

1. Share with the group a favorite verse or passage of the Bible and why it matters to you.
2. Set a timer for one minute and read Psalm 1 together. What verses stand out? What does the passage say will come with meditating (thinking upon) the Bible?
3. Pick a verse as a group, perhaps one of the ones above in Other Passages and memorize it as a group.
4. The Bible is the canon-from the Greek word kanon- which was a measuring tool. The Bible is the authoritative word of God that informs everything else about us. Why do you think that this standard is so often ‘flipped’ i.e identity informing the interpretation of Scripture, feelings informing it, etc?
5. Take some time to reflect on the past week, how often did you read the Bible? How often did you talk to your friends? Reading the Bible isn’t a requirement as believers-its a gift! It grows our relationship with God. Consider a small practical thing you could remove from your day to add in time reading the Bible.


Does anyone need clarity on something? Are there any big God questions you are wrestling with?

Celebrate life’s successes and God’s provision. Worship God’s presence. Time to brag about God.

Through the Bible in one Year

Join us in reading through the entire Bible in one year. Each day of this plan guides you through passages from both the Old and New Testaments, allowing you to see connections between the history of our faith, and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. Readings average four chapters in length, so it is posible to do. When you use the YouVersion Bible App, you can even have the app read the Bible text to you – very useful when you are in the car or otherwise occupied with your hand.

All you need to do is click the link to the Bible Plan, which should lead you straight to the Bible app. Your two options are now (1) to read the plan on your own, one day at the time. Or (2) you can make it more fun and rewarding, by sharing the plan with one or more friends, and then even “Talk about it”.



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