Study Guide:
Focus on the With, not the what. This is one of the key sentences that shapes our current sermon series. Our Youth Director, Tim Fray, takes us alongside the story of Moses who faced quite a few challenged in his journey. One of the things that Moses was known for was: Everyone knew that he walked WITH God and God was WITH him. Still he faced challenges.
– The challenge of enduring despite the hardship
When the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt because they didn’t have enough water, Moses went to God first. He didn’t look backwards, nor forward, he looked up. What things do you have in place that remind you to first look up -to God- before taking a step forward?
There is only so much information that we can gather in order to prepare for the unknown. Tim reminded us that it is best to face the unknown by changing our perspective. Looking to God and seeing things from God’s point of view. Think of a current, difficult situation, a challenge so to speak. . Now imagine what this challenge would look like if you would literally be accompanied by God. In person. All the way to the end. Discuss with your group, what would change and what wouldn’t.
How would God’s presence change your perspective on the whole situation?
In Exodus 17 verses 11-13 we could almost make the point that Moses kept up the people’s spirit. By holding his hands up the people were encouraged. His prayerful position inspired hope. What connections do you have that help you endure the challenges of life? Answer these three questions:
- How is your connection with your family and/or your friends?
- How is your connection with God, the same God that helped Moses?
- How can you improve both of these connections in your life?
The best strategy to face challenges in life is to not face them alone. If the almighty God is on your side, who or what can be against you (Rom 8:31). Focus on who’s with you and not what you are facing
Pastor Daniel

Through the Bible in one Year
Join us in reading through the entire Bible in one year. Each day of this plan guides you through passages from both the Old and New Testaments, allowing you to see connections between the history of our faith, and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. Readings average four chapters in length, so it is posible to do. When you use the YouVersion Bible App, you can even have the app read the Bible text to you – very useful when you are in the car or otherwise occupied with your hand.
All you need to do is click the link to the Bible Plan, which should lead you straight to the Bible app. Your two options are now (1) to read the plan on your own, one day at the time. Or (2) you can make it more fun and rewarding, by sharing the plan with one or more friends, and then even “Talk about it”.