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Discussion Prompts
To God’s call judge Gideon replies with a simple but doubtful “If you truly…” (Jdg 6:17). Oh, how familiar is this statement when it comes to interacting with God!
If you are truly God …?If you truly love the world …?If you truly ask me to …?
And while we are so fast to question God, we would not do it with our kids, spouse, or boss. Pastor Dwight had some pretty cool examples of that. But, why then is it that we do it with God?
One major reason is probably because we don’t know God well enough. The God we have in mind is too small, too weak, too strict, or even too distant. Gideon experienced first hand that the God he was dealing with was neither of these. God, the one that we see in Gideon’s story, is strong enough, smart enough, powerful enough, and he is involved in the day to day operations.
AND He is the same God who calls us to faithfulness towards his calling, in general, and specifically. In your group, or individually, think about what you think God wants you to do.
- What has God put on your heart to do this week, in the next couple of weeks, or even in the future? Teach a Sunday School? Volunteer with the kids? Reach out to the hurting neighbor? Start the foster care process? Call your sick coworker?
- What does God want you to do with your life? Is He calling you to more commitment? Is He calling you into ministry? Is He calling you for a career change, so you can be a more effective witness for him?
- What is God calling you to do?
Now that you have that written down, ask yourself, what is holding you back? Fear? Laziness? Uncertainty? Comfort? – Name the excuse! Write it down! Face it and make a decision. Are you going to follow God’s lead or not?
One last step: Define the next 3 action steps! Make it practical. If you would actually find your “Yes” to what God wants you to do, what would be 3 practical steps in that direction? What would need to happen, or what would you need to change, in order to align your life with God’s call?
As you ponder these questions, reach out to friends to help you discern. Call us in the office and we can sit down with you. Let us mentor you through the next steps. May God bless you as you seek to encounter the purpose that God had in mind for you already long along (Eph 2:10).
Blessings to you!