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Discussion Prompts
It’s Advent – the time of anticipating the celebration of the coming of Christ, also known as Christmas. Today’s sermon didn’t just start the new sermon series, it also points to the anticipation of the first coming of Christ. The Israelites had received the prophecy of the coming of a deliverer some 800 years before the actual event. But then, about 400 years before the event, communication between God and humans became silent. No more prophets and no more messages from God.
Until that one day, when the young woman called Mary had this life changing conversation with a messenger from God. The long anticipated deliverer was about to come, and Mary would play a big part in his coming. But the most astonishing part of this initial conversation is actually her response. Instead of a doubtful “Why me?” she asks the direction giving “How?”. Mary is ready for the deliverer to come and willing to contribute in whatever way possible. The result is, her being able to be part of God’s story in an astonishing way. It not only changed her world but literally the entire world of the human race.
What would our response have been, to such a message from God? Do we even hear God talk anymore? Are we really experiencing his leading, and are part of His story? Is He part of our story?
I am sure He is and Pastor Bryce left us with some pretty good questions to think about how God works in our lives. I encourage you to think about these questions below. Write them down and then share them with the congregation. Write your God-Story. When you are done, post it on our webpage:
Here are the questions to guide you as you write your God-Story:
- Where has His Story changed Your Story? What has changed in your life since God stepped into your life?
- Was there a time when God’s promise, to be with you, changed your response to a certain situation?
- Mary’s response to the angel’s message was a simple “May it be as you say.” What significant message did you receive from God and how did you respond? What has changed since that day?
When God steps into the life of a person, he or she will have a story to tell. We would love to hear your story!
Happy Advents blessings to you,