Reset the Priorities

Reset the Priorities

Study Guide:

Last week we talked about having our foundation set in Jesus Christ. This week Pastor Bill challenged us to think about our priorities, and at the core we learned that our priorities need to be in line with God’s priorities.
RESETing our priorities requires us first to examine where our priorities are. Take an inventory of how you spend your time, what you spend your money on, and how your thought life is being used. There is nothing wrong with thinking about work or school, but in your off-time what do you occupy your thoughts with?
1. Just like writing a budget, make a list of how much time you spent in the last week with what. How many hours were used for what? (i.e. 8hours of work, 1h. gym, …)
2. Look at your financial budget. Where does your money go? Is a minimum of 10% dedicated to God? How did you set your priorities in your financial realm?
3. Now examine your thought life. How much time do you spend worrying instead of purposely trusting and praising God? How much do you talk to God? What fills your thoughts throughout the day?
(By the way, 10% of your “awake” time is around 1.5 hours. How do you spend this time?)
Pastor Bill challenged us to align our priorities with God’s priorities. Recalling the sermon, what were the two key priorities Pastor Bill pointed out? Which other godly priorities are mentioned in Luke 6:17-26? (see Bible text above)
Having looked at your priorities and then at God’s priorities, is there an area where you need to make some adjustments? Invest in marginalized people? Spend more time sharing God’s love and grace? Giving more to people in need?
(Share your thoughts with your group and then hold each other accountable)
Pastor Bill wrapped his sermon up by reminding us that we need to guard our hearts. Our heart is so easily corrupted and distracted. I want to encourage you to read and pray Psalm 139:23-24. May God bless and guide you as you reset your priorities.

Pastor Daniel

Through the Bible in one Year

Join us in reading through the entire Bible in one year. Each day of this plan guides you through passages from both the Old and New Testaments, allowing you to see connections between the history of our faith, and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. Readings average four chapters in length, so it is posible to do. When you use the YouVersion Bible App, you can even have the app read the Bible text to you – very useful when you are in the car or otherwise occupied with your hand.

All you need to do is click the link to the Bible Plan, which should lead you straight to the Bible app. Your two options are now (1) to read the plan on your own, one day at the time. Or (2) you can make it more fun and rewarding, by sharing the plan with one or more friends, and then even “Talk about it”.


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